CosBeauty Magazine #94

CosBeauty is the #BeautyAddict's guide to lifestyle, health and beauty. In this issue: - Professional makeup hacks - DIY party hair - 30+ products for that perfect sunless tan - The 2022 guide to face tweakments - The rise of the celebrity beauty brand - Our Christmas gift guide

CosBeauty is the #BeautyAddict's guide to lifestyle, health and beauty.
In this issue:
- Professional makeup hacks
- DIY party hair
- 30+ products for that perfect sunless tan
- The 2022 guide to face tweakments
- The rise of the celebrity beauty brand
- Our Christmas gift guide


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helps to block visible light which

can contribute to pigmentation.

It should be applied daily and

reapplied every two hours, and

used in conjunction with other sunprotective

measures such as wearing

a hat and seeking shade.

With regards to reversing

cumulative sun damage, there

is nothing that will completely

reverse sun damage and that’s why

prevention is critical. The numberone

ingredient I always recommend

is sunscreen.

Antioxidants such as resveratrol

and Vitamin C are also great

scavengers of the free radicals that

damage DNA when skin is exposed

to UV radiation.

Retinol, a derivative of Vitamin

A, also helps to repair damaged

skin cells by encouraging cell

turnover and increasing collagen

production. It is the gold-standard

anti-ageing ingredient which can

help with correcting texture, tone

and pigmentation and help with

fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin A is

available in various forms, including

over-the-counter retinol products

to prescription-strength retinoids,

which can be more effective but

more irritating. It is best to start with

a retinol which is ultra-stable but less

irritating, starting with a couple of

times a week, then bumping up the

application if your skin isn’t irritated.

Another way of addressing sundamaged

skin is laser and lightbased

therapies. Some of these

technologies can target pigment

and are great at fading sun spots.

Others are great at targeting the

redness and vascular changes that

arise as a result of sun damage. We

can also resurface the texture of the

skin using certain types of lasers,

which can help correct some of the

signs of ageing and sun damage.

www.cosbeauty.com.au 43

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